W sieci można przeczytać różne informacje na temat koranowirusa. Proponuję lekturę literatury naukowej na ten temat. Poniżej linki do artykułów zarówno o działaniu jak i prowadzonych badaniach. Część publikacji ma datę przyszłą gdyż w przyszłych numerach czasopism zostaną opublikowane.
Wadhera RK, Wadhera P, Gaba P, Figueroa JF, Joynt Maddox KE, Yeh RW et al. Variation in COVID-19 Hospitalizations and Deaths Across New York City Boroughs. JAMA 2020.
Tay MZ, Poh CM, Rénia L, MacAry PA, Ng LFP. The trinity of COVID-19: Immunity, inflammation and intervention. Nat Rev Immunol 2020; 1282:1.
Sethuraman N, Jeremiah SS, Ryo A. Interpreting Diagnostic Tests for SARS-CoV-2. JAMA 2020.
Shneider1 A, Kudriavtsev A, Vakhrusheva A. Can Melatonin Reduce the Severity of COVID-19 Pandemic?; 2020.
Cevik M, Bamford C, Ho A. COVID-19 pandemic – A focused review for clinicians. Clinical Microbiology and Infection 2020.
Potential role of inanimate surfaces for the spread of coronaviruses and their inactivation with disinfectant agents Infection Prevention in Practice, Volume 2, Issue 2, June 2020
I Made Artika, Ageng Wiyatno, Chairin Nisa Ma’roef, Pathogenic viruses: Molecular detection and characterization, Infection, Genetics and Evolution
Volume 81, July 2020, 104215
Chih-Cheng Lai et al Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19): The epidemic and the challenges Int JAntimicrobial Agents 2020, 55 (3), March
Chih-ChengLai et al Asymptomatic carrier state, acute respiratory disease, and pneumonia due to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARSCoV-2): Facts and myths, Journal of Microbiology, Immunology and Infection 4 March 2020
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